
Isshinryu Neuro-Motor Training

We’re not trying to scare you… Well, OK, maybe we are…

There is a general decline in senior wellness in the US. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths for people over 65 and the rate has increased by 60% in the last decade. Nearly three million seniors a year are treated for fall related injuries.

Sadly, fully 30% of seniors who visit the ER for fall related injuries are dead within a year. There are various reasons for this, but primarily, a lack of physical fitness, and impaired cognitive function are contributing factors. There are many other ailments related to aging that can be mitigated by the right kind of preventative activities. 

And… the earlier you start, the better. If you are over fifty and not currently working both your body and your brain, you will be at greater risk of age-related injuries and illnesses down the road. You can play a role in holding off age-related illnesses and injuries.

INM Training is a low-impact program designed specifically for people over fifty to foster improved health and well-being. The exercises have been specifically designed to utilize the best parts of ancient Okinawan traditional forms with the most up-to-date research around neuro-motor functioning and enhancements for seniors to improve longevity and quality of life.

Follow This Link to Learn More About NMT and the People Behind It

This new program, introduced first here in Nashville, is built around foundational Isshinryu katas and Pilates exercises. These series of movements were specifically designed to develop muscle mass, core strength, balance, endurance, proper breathing, and cognitive function. The ancient masters understood the benefits of these practices long before modern science.

Isshinryu Neuro-Motor Training is:

  • Designed for, and delivered by seniors, to promote a proactive approach to our aging minds and bodies. These methods have proven effective in enhancing quality of life in seniors.
  • Unlike traditional martial arts training, this is not a belt program. There will be no sparring, grappling, or contact involved unless that is what you request. (We have traditional self-defense and belt programs available for those who want it.) We will work within your personal goals.
  • A program that combines the wisdom of an ancient art, Pilates exercises, and the most recent scientific research to create a system designed to improve your physical and neural health, while avoiding the injuries that plague so many older people. 

We will also offer additional tiers of engagement should you be interested in self-defense or a Black Belt program designed just for seniors. This is totally optional and not a part of INM Training. 

For more information, click on the links below to get more details. You can also hear more about the Neuro-Motor Training program by tuning into ‘Your Health Matters’, every Saturday morning from 6:00 – 7:00 AM on WLAC AM & 98.3 FM. If you are interested in our program, click on the ‘Send Me More Information link and give us your name, email address, and phone number for your information packet.

You’ve spent your life investing in your family, your business, your marriage, your home… your portfolio. Now, it’s time to invest in yourself so you can enjoy your senior years to their fullest extent. 


Karl Sterling & Neuro-Motor Training Web Site

Karl Sterling, Author, Educator, NeuroRehab Specialist

Link To YouTube Video About Neuro-Motor Training: This is a clinic in Upstate New York. These services are not yet offered in Nashville but the curriculum for the program we are offering is derived from documented results from various exercises and methods.

Neuro-Motor Training 

Sample ‘Your Health Matters’ Radio Shows (WSYR – Syracuse, NY)

Exercise & Movement (Fuel For Longevity)

570 WSYR "YOUR HEALTH MATTERS" Ep #15: Exercise for Longevity of the Brain & Body - YouTube

Reversing & Ending Alzheimer’s

570 WSYR: Episode #3 Dr. Dale Bredesen & Dr. Joe Barry: Reversing & Ending Alzheimer's | Dementia (

Reversing Osteoporosis & Osteopenia 

570 WSYR "YOUR HEALTH MATTERS" Ep #7 Reversing Osteoporosis | Osteopenia | Bone Density | Longevity (